Monday, January 19, 2009

I Remember This Feeling

The Tropics in New York

BANANAS ripe and green, and ginger-root,
Cocoa in pods and alligator pears,
And tangerines and mangoes and grape fruit,
Fit for the highest prize at parish fairs,

Set in the window, bringing memories
Of fruit-trees laden by low-singing rills,
And dewy dawns, and mystical blue skies
In benediction over nun-like hills.

My eyes grew dim, and I could no more gaze;
A wave of longing through my body swept,
And, hungry for the old, familiar ways,
I turned aside and bowed my head and wept.

by Claude McKay

1 comment:

  1. I understand how you miss and long for the old familiar ways but instead look ahead at all the new adventures you will have, all the new experiences and all the new people you will meet. Keep your head up and look forward instead of back. It will get easier.


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